Academic publications
L.J. Braams, Indicatoren voor “eenzelfde situatie feitelijk”, BIE 2021, pp. 176-183.
L.J. Braams, Goederenrechtelijke rechtskeuze in het IE-recht, een goed idee? IER 2019/25, pp. 261-267 (nominated for the annual AIPPI price).
L.J. Braams, Nederland locus delicti bij Arrow-declaration, NIPR 2019, afl. 3, pp. 578-581.
L.J. Braams, Grensoverschrijdende bevoegdheid, over vuurkracht en munitie, verboden en andere maatregelen met extraterritoriaal effect, BIE 2018, pp. 247-250.
Other publications
P. Debré, G. Kuipers, C. Park, R. Atab, S. Bauer, A Marie, ADR mechanisms in FRAND related disputes (AIPPI report), 1 March 2022 (member of the Dutch study group).
L.J. Braams, Debate between Dutch Minister of Care and pharmaceutical companies, Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 28 October 2019.
L.J. Braams, New medicines agency policy on how to delete patented indications (Netherlands), Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 10 June 2019.
L.J. Braams, Dutch Court applies soft law in co-authorship dispute (Netherlands), Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 10 June 2019.
L.J. Braams, The Court of the Hague grants SPC after debate concerning interpretation of ECJ Neurim case (The Netherlands), Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 31 March 2017.
L.J. Braams, Dutch approach to interpreting licence agreements (Netherlands) Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 31 January 2017.
L.J. Braams, Possible clearance on its way for seizures in intellectual property right cases (Netherlands), Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 31 December 2016.
L.J. Braams, Court of The Hague rules on set value in patent (Netherlands), Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 1 december 2016.
L.J. Braams, Court of The Hague rules on inventiveness of a concentration (Netherlands), Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 31 Augustus 2016.
Various other publications on specialized blogs.
Law Firm School (2016-2019)
Professional Education for Attorneys (BA)
admitted to the bar since 12/2015
Master of laws (LLM) at Tilburg University (2013-2014)